Sunday, 5 October 2008

UB40 - Baggariddim

Amazon Link To Buy the Album!
- Thanks -


lemonflag said...

I got the Twinkle Brothers on this DL. I would love to have this UB40 album, can you update it?

Thine said...

I am so sorry for this. the megaupload manager program that megaupload provides: I filled it with a large queue of files and when they were all upload it seemed that the stupid thing had mixed up some files and now I find so many have the names I named them, yet they are named on the wrong files?
So I need to download each one and then find out what is REALLY inside it before posting. I forgot to check this one as I have ben concentrating on fixing the style of the blog.Sorry,. Will download it and a few more tomorrow and then I will know what file it has become.
The moral is: Megaupload manager is rubbish!

lemonflag said...

You have no need to be sorry. You are being very generous to all of us posting music that we can DL. Thanks for your swift response. I will look back again soon.

Thine said...

I uploaded it afresh as the files on megaupload really are a huge mess! what a rubbish program they have for uploading. I will use the website instead.
The post is updated with the link now. :-)

lemonflag said...

Got it. Thanks

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